3 Unexpected Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights

All across the nation, women are finding their place and staking their claim. Our presence is growing in the Senate, in the boardroom, and now in the weight room as well. Gone are the days of society holding back strong women, both mentally and physically. If I need my pasta jar open, I’ll open it my damn self. So what are you waiting for to become a stronger you?

If you’ve looked into strength training, you’ve probably heard of the health benefits. Weight lifting is incredible for your metabolism. Unlike cardio where you only burn calories during the time of your workout, weight lifting will have you burning more calories throughout the entire day. It helps you to burn more fat as well. The more muscle you have, the more fuel (food) your body needs. Your body will break down fat to put towards your energy. And lifting is also great for women of any age, as it is the only exercise known to help build bone density. A common disease many women face as they get older.  

Ok- so, you’re telling me you’ve heard all this information before. But you’re still on the fence of testing out a new workout. I promise these 3 great reasons will help you make the leap into strength training: 

1. Confidence

When you feel strong physically, you begin to feel strong mentally. As you stare down a squat rack holding more weight than you’ve ever lifted before, you don’t conquer it with your legs alone. Your mind and muscles must find a way to work together. Completing that squat isn’t just a physical accomplishment, it’s a mental one as well. As you achieve your goals you’ll start to walk a little taller, hold your head a little higher, and smile a little bigger knowing you can conquer whatever comes your way. My favorite thing to hear while working with clients is how after their workout they feel empowered. Weight lifting isn’t about tearing your body down, it’s about building it up. 

2. Curves

Everyone wants a great butt- and what are butts made from?…Muscle. Sure genetics plays a factor, but I will tell you no one ever built a bigger, rounder butt by running a marathon. Lots of women have built butts with strength training though. If someone in your life is telling you that lifting will make you “bulky,” they probably have flat ass too.  Muscles will also add great shape to your arms, and trust me it is near impossible to become “bulky.” Women try for years without success. Search for fitness models on instagram and tell me those women aren’t sexy and beautiful. 

3. Culture

Weight lifting creates a community of women who are looking to be strong and love the best version of themselves. They are looking to fuel their body, not starve it. They want to reward their body for it’s accomplishments, not pick apart it’s issues. They are there to congratulate you when you hit a PR. They are supportive to see you eat some serious macros with great recipes. And there is so much free information available to help everyone start somewhere. Bad ass women love to support other women (and if they don’t they are not bad ass).

When you combine these intangible benefits, with proven health benefits, you can see this is a great hobby to add into your lifestyle. Although the weight room can seem intimidating your first couple times, I promise you it will become more comfortable. Anything that challenges you is not going to be easy. If you’re ready to take steps to strength training, click here for me free beginners guide to the weight room.