30 Ways To Reduce Stress

Ok here’s the deal, you probably won’t be able to completely eliminate your life stressors, but what you can do is learn how to cope with them. For the month of September I’m challenging you to try one new thing to reduce your stress each day. Hopefully this will introduce you to some new habits you haven’t tried before. Let me know what ends up being your favorite!

  1. Lavender bubble bath: This has multiple layers to help you. First, lavender has been shown to reduce cortisol (your stress hormones), but it also helps with restlessness and getting better sleep. The bath helps to soothe sore muscles, improve circulation, and detoxify. The warm bath should clear your mind and set you up for a great night’s sleep. 
  2. 3 Pages of journaling: This is inspired from the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. First thing in the morning hand write out 3 pages of journaling. Allow anything in your mind to come to paper. After page 2 this might get a little hard, but that’s the point. Really dig into your thoughts. Where does your mind travel to? What can you not stop thinking about? Honestly this practice was a huge exploratory lesson for me going through a life shift when I decided to leave my design background for fitness coaching. It gave me so much clarity and confidence to know how passionate I was about fitness and that’s all I wanted to journal about every day. 
  3. Say “no”: Chances are you’ve overextended yourself. Yes to that new project at work, yes to brunch with the girls, yes to helping walk your neighbors dog. Try saying no. In order to help others, sometimes you need to be selfish and help yourself first. Your time is valuable, only say yes to the things you really want to do. 
  4. 20 Minute yoga session: Don’t get me wrong, you know weight lifting is my absolute jam, but that is putting more stressors on the body. Doing a nice calm yoga session will allow you to move your body, feel connection with your muscles without excess stress. Improving your flexibility will help with sore muscles and reducing the risk of injury. I’m a big fan of yoga by Adrian on YouTube. She has tons of free videos for however you’re feeling that day. 
  5. Light a candle and enjoy a cup of tea: It’s important to enjoy the small things in life. Switch the harsh glow of a screen for a warm candle, your eyes will thank you for it. Pour a warm cup of tea, create your own cozy and welcome the start of fall. 
  6. Deep breath meditation: Taking deep breaths and focusing on the rise and fall of your chest will help you slow down both physically and mentally. You can find free meditations on YouTube or try a week free of the Calm or Headspace app. 
  7. Watch the sunrise: Watching the sunrise could not be a more perfect way to start your day. First you’re outside and part of nature. As the sun rises, time slows down and you can realize how small we are in this big beautiful world. You should appreciate the beauty of nature and feel the warmth of the sun on you. The day is just starting and it is full of limitless possibilities. 
  8. 10 Minute meditation: Going vague here so you have plenty of options. Again you can try an app like Calm or Headspace or try searching google for a guided meditation. 
  9. Adult coloring book: Ever think about how you take a kid to a new place and have them color. Coloring can actually help to calm the part of the brain that causes fear. Plus allowing yourself to express creativity can help to relax your mind. 
  10. Practice grounding: Have you heard of this one? Remember summers as a kid when you’d run through the grass barefoot, we are going back to those carefree days. Grounding is the simple act of walking outside barefoot. This allows you to reconnect back to the earth. The electrical wavelengths from the earth connect to your body through the souls of your feet. 
  11. Stretch: You probably skip this after most of your workouts, so try taking dedicated time for it. Relaxed body can lead to a relaxed mind. 
  12. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual: I cannot stress enough (no pun intended) how important sleep is. I promise you will live without watching one more episode on Netflix. Get in bed and try to get a full 8 hours of sleep at least. Sleep will help with recovery and also anxiety. Our body completely restores through sleeping. 
  13. Facemask: Just a little self care because you deserve it. While I love a mask to pull all the crap out, try to go with something hydrating this time. Refresh and relax. 
  14. Write 10 gratitudes: There is nothing better to take your mind off stressors than to sit and think about all the amazing things you have in life. Honestly, 10 should be a really easy list. We have so much to be grateful for that we forget about on a daily basis. I’m grateful for you taking the time to read this blog right now. Reflecting on all the amazing things you have will increase your positive emotions. 
  15. Outdoor hike in nature: Being in nature can help reduce your blood pressure, muscle tension and stress levels. Plus you get your steps in too. 
  16. Practice positive self talk: Would you talk to your best friend the way you talk to yourself? Be kind to yourself. Give yourself grace. Tell your legs thank you for carrying you through the day. Tell your eyes thank you for seeing beauty in the world. Tell yourself thank you for being amazing, smart, and getting you this far in life. 
  17. Foam roll: Hurts soooo good. Foam rolling helps to workout knots and tension in our muscles. By applying pressure to knots it will force your muscles to relax. This helps with recovery from workouts too and should relieve tension you’re carrying around. It’s like a self massage. 
  18. Exercise: The most obvious! Exercise gives you endorphins which makes you happy. Exercise can help with your mood, sleep, and self esteem. Exercise is my answer for most problems in life. Get your mind into the workout and forget about whatever is stressing you outside of the gym. This is your hour to focus on you. To feel strong, powerful and capable. 
  19. Digital detox day: Put the phone down and step away. The average person spends 2 hours a day on social media. Over the course of a year that’s 600 hours! Think about what you could get done with an extra 600 hours a day. Go outside, read a book, be present. The gram will still be there when you get back. 
  20. Call your bestie: Laughter is the best medicine. If you don’t have a bestie to call, you can call me. 
  21. Do a morning stretch: Instead of rolling out of bed and headed straight to your desk for the day, throw a stretch in the mix. Loosen your muscles up. Get your blood flowing. We already spend most of our day sitting. Try to add in some stretches that will loosen up your hips, lower back and shoulders. 
  22. Reduce caffeine intake: What does caffeine have to do with stress? Well the effect of one cup of coffee on your body can be the equivalent of actually experiencing an acute stressor in life. Plus caffeine inhibits sleep. I don’t care if you tell me you fall asleep fine. Caffeine can keep you from getting into deep, restorative sleep. Try eliminating any caffeine after 2 pm. 
  23. Read for pleasure: Grab a fiction book, curl up on the couch or layout in the sun and read a book just because. I know personally most of my reading is dedicated to learning, which is great, but there is something to be taught from getting lost in fantasy as well. Plus it’s another activity that gets you away from a screen. 
  24. Watch the sunset: Just like watching the sunrise, this will get you outside. Allow you to be grateful for this world and the day. Appreciate nature, it’s beauty, and put your phone away. 
  25. Declutter your desk: Cluttered desk equals a cluttered mind. If you want to be in a clear space, start with your physical space. It’s actually way easier to control. Throwing out crap and organizing things can be very therapeutic. 
  26. Go for a lunchtime walk: Most of us get so sucked into work we barely look up from our computer. We have this fear that if our boss doesn’t see us working every second it will look like we’re slacking. In reality a lunchtime walk will probably make you a better employee. Walking can help to increase creativity and focus. You’ll finish up the second half of your day even stronger. 
  27. Body scan meditation: This is one of my favorite types of meditation. It will allow you to focus on different parts of your body and release the tension one section at a time. When you breathe in, really focus on sending your breath to that muscle or body part. Try looking up a guided practice on YouTube. 
  28. Alternate nostril breathing: Ok this sounds crazy, but it’s weirdly euphoric. I would definitely look up a guided practice for this as well on your first time. Once you get the idea, you can do it anywhere. It totally centers you and balances your mind. 
  29. Dance: Be silly, have fun, don’t take yourself too seriously. I swear I got through quarantine because I was learning teenager TikTok dances. Just loosen up with your favorite music and feel your body move. 
  30. Free day: Repeat activity. Hopefully at this point you’ve found a method that works for you. Now let’s try to keep it in our daily routine even after September is over!