What Are Your Non-Negotiables?

Back when you were single maybe you made a list of things you wanted in a man: tall, dark, handsome, funny, you had an idea of what was important to you. 

Honestly, who didn’t make a list like this back in high school?

This is manifestation in its most simple form.

Ideally just by having that list, it is going to bring people into your life that fit what’s important to you. It is going to attract that energy that you’re looking for.

Even more importantly, It’s also going to help you say no when that bad boy pulls up that you know is not good for you but is tempting you anyway. 

But have you ever taken the time to write down your non-negotiables in your daily life? 

What are the things you’re going to do every day, without negotiation. 

You might be thinking “Justine, why does that even matter?”

Well, I’m sure you’ve watched Hamilton on DisneyPlus by now, so let me quote one of the most popular presidents Alexander Hamilton.

“Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything.”

What do YOU stand for?

What truly matters to YOU in life?

Creating these ideas is going to help you to begin creating a roadmap for you how you want to live your life. Our lives don’t happen by chance. They happen by design. You have to be willing to take take control of your life or life will just take control of you.

These non-negotables should align with your principles and goals.

I started brainstorming my non-negotiables this week.

You can do this on a few different levels. Looking at big picture of what are your core beliefs and values. Then also looking at you day to day actions.

I’ve been brainstorming and came up with 10 non negotiables I’m going to stick by in these 90 days. 

10 Daily Non-Negotiables

  1. My morning routine: this includes a few separate steps that really set me up for the day. First, I wake up and have some water. Our body hasn’t had any water in the last 8 hours, it needs hydration before coffee. Next I use My Daily Greatness journal. This allows me to write down daily gratitudes, create my power list for the day, and also time block my schedule all in one place. I’m obsessed with it.
  2. 8,000 steps with at least 2k done outside. I’m sure you’ve heard a million times we should get 10k steps a day, and we should. But right now that has been a struggle for me. I get 10k usually, but the BARE MINIMUM I must get is 8,000. Then getting 2,000 outside is important to get me out of the apartment, being in a little bit of nature with fresh air and soaking up some Vitamin D. Your head clears out much more walking outside than on a treadmill.
  3. 5 Workouts per week. Full disclosure, this one is pretty easy for me. I love working out. And at the moment my routines are heavily focused on getting stronger, building muscle and seriously pushing myself. It’s amazing to push your limits daily.
  4. Learn something new every day. This is one of my favorites. This can come from a podcast, from reading, from a great conversation. Every day I want to lay my head on the pillow knowing a little bit more about the world. I’m sharing a glimpse into what I learn each day in my post here.
  5. 130g of protein a day. I’m not currently in a cut or on a diet. Actually the opposite I’m looking to bulk up on some muscle. This is why protein is so important to me and having good nutrition. Plus as I mentioned I’m going hard AF in the gym, so I want to make sure my body has everything it needs to recover properly.
  6. 1 Gallon of water a day. Y’all. I’m telling you. You need to drink MORE water. It is the elixir of life. You know how everyone says drinking more water is good for your skin, and then you roll your eyes, I’m going to tell you again from personal experience 1 gallon a day has done wonders for my skin. Also- from a performance side: 1% dehydration can lead to 10% drop in performance!
  7. 20 Minutes of self care that does not include a screen. Sorry, I love binging Bravo and Netflix too, but watching your favorite show is not the best use of your time when it comes to self care. We are on a computer or are phone ALL day. We need to do something to step away and reconnect.
  8. 8 hours of sleep per night. Yes, I made this number 8 on purpose. Sleep is one of the most underrated needs on your health journey. Just because you can function with 6 hours of sleep, doesn’t mean you should be doing that.
  9. 1 Date night per week. My fiance and I have both been working crazy hours. It’s so important to dedicate time to each other, put the phones away and make our relationship a priority. This week were going to hit the beach and plan a nice picnik weather allowing.
  10. Create connection. Every day it’s important to me to connect with other women. To connect with my clients. To connect with a family member. We’ve all been cooped up in our apartments alone which can be rough. Try reaching out to someone you haven’t talked to recently. They probably need it just as much as you.

Now obviously this list is what is important to me. Maybe it can spark a few ideas in you, but you have to sit down and think what is important to you. Maybe your list includes daily rituals or financial principles.

I challenge you to sit down and think about what is important to you in your daily life. What’s important that you do to help you become the person you want to be.